
“To be a cheerful group of young adults that strive to better the community and to make the best of every moment that we experience together.”

Upcoming Events

BSA Venturing Crew 369 Fund 2023 Annual Brooklet Peanut Festival
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Annual Brooklet Peanut Festival


Kettle Corn: Caramel - Chocolate - Sweet & Spicy


Venturing Crew 369 Meeting St Lutherans Church Rincon, GA
Venture Crew Meeting 369

This is a co-ed youth-led group for ages 14-20 years old.

We meet twice monthly on Thursdays from 7-8:30 p.m.

At St. Johns Lutheran Church

301 N. Columbia Ave. Rincon, GA 31326

Who we are

Venturing Crew 369 was established April of 2013 based on the need of something more to do. The founding member was an Scout that made the rank of Eagle at 14 years old- feeling like he needed something more- and wanted more diversity- he, with the assistance of adults and support of the Council created Venturing Crew 369. The number assigned was chosen in respect for his former Scoutmaster and original Troop from the Blackhawk Area Council of Illinois.

What we do

Getting the most from your adventure is not always easy. To help you succeed, Venturing uses four areas of emphasis to help the crew plan and carry out its program. Venturing’s areas of emphasis are the four pillars around which the crew will construct a fun and rewarding program.

What is ALPS?
The Venturing acronym for the areas of emphasis is A-L-P-S:

  • Adventure
  • Leadership
  • Personal Growth
  • Service

The Venturing ALPS model is a guide to getting the most out of your adventures as you prepare for your future, regardless of if that may be in college, the workforce, or elsewhere.


Where Venture Crew is going...

Where Venture Crew has been...

Venturing Crew 369 Trips
Venturing Crew 369 Trip
Venturing Crew 369 Awesome Trip