Venturing Crew 369 was established in spring of 2013- over those years faces have changed but the story hasn\’t. On our home page it provides you a high overview of who we are and what we do. What it doesn\’t tell you is how – by training our young adults we put the responsibility on their shoulders. The adult leaders are there to guide- mentor and advise. My Advisor\’s motto is, \”What you put into the program is what you\’ll get out of the program.\” You want to go hike? Plan it. You want to white water raft? Plan it. Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? Plan it. The adults are there to make sure BSA safe practices are used and the necessary training is done for the adventure. We have older Crew Members that are trained as guides and mentors- use their knowledge and let\’s get out there! I truly believe if you \’Lead the Adventure\’- you\’ll develop skills much more than \’how to camp,\’ \’how to make a fire,\’ you\’ll learn time and goal management- leadership development- project management- the skills that will carry your throughout your lifetime. It\’s not all work- most of the time you don\’t even know you\’re learning something till the adventure is over. I\’ve asked these three questions constantly, \”Did you try?\” \”Did you learn something?\” and most importantly, \”Did you have fun?\”
Since we chartered- faces have come and gone. What I hope is that the understanding and knowledge went with them. Do that random act of kindness, step forward when called upon, bring your ideas to the table to develop a worthwhile goal, cheerful service to others is a lifestyle not a task to be completed. Many have gone off to serve their country, to college, join the workforce as they aged out of the program- but they will always have a place here in Crew. #wearthegreen
As an adult I have faithfully & proudly served as a volunteer for BSA since 1997- I\’ve worn a lot of different hats over the years and I\’ve seen a lot of different faces and can only hope they remember their time with us as fondly as I remember them. It has been a privilege and a honor to be allowed to partake in their lives- for they are our future. And they are worth it…
~Mrs. Malissa Hall Advisor C369 And as always… GO CREW!